High Quality Fake Ticket Generator

Do you want to have the perfect look flight ticket but dummy?
We use real flight data & real ticket template, to generate a dummy ticket. Use our search to find your preferred airline, dates, country.
Your PDF ticket(without PNR) is delivered via email instantly, so you can use it right away.

The fake flight ticket is perfect for:

✅ Proof of onward travel
✅ Dummy ticket for visa
✅ Instant delivery after the purchase
1 travellers



Age of child 1 *
Please select the passenger’s age
Age of child 2 *
Please select the passenger’s age
Age of child 3 *
Please select the passenger’s age
Age of child 4 *
Please select the passenger’s age
Age of child 5 *
Please select the passenger’s age
Age of child 6 *
Please select the passenger’s age
Age of child 7 *
Please select the passenger’s age
Age of child 8 *
Please select the passenger’s age
A child’s age must be valid for the full duration of jouney. For example, if a child has a birthday during a trip, please use their age on the date of the returning flight.
All major airlines are supported.
Flight informations (time, flight number, price, etc) are legit.

Fake Flight tickets

Get a flight ticket a proof of onward travel ticket in few minutes.

Real Flight data

Except for the PNR, other informations are taken from real flights.

Instant delivery

We have the fastest delivery of tickets only few minutes to your email.

Example of Fake Flight Ticket

On the fake ticket bellow you can see what ticket you would get if you choose to buy from us.

As you can see the traveler John Smith got a fake flight ticket from Miami to Mumbai.

The airlines he chose is United Airlines and Air India. The price of the ticket is $960.95 and with TicketFaker he got it only for $5.

The ticket match the real one exactly in same hours, airlines, flight times as the original one.

The PNR (itinerary) number is never checked to any of our clients before.

You can verify the flight time on the real and see that it matches real flights that are about to happen.

Frequently Ask & Questions

TicketFaker is taking the data from an API of the website of to create these tickets. When you search your destination with us you hundreds of different airlines will reveal to you, and all you have to do is to choose what seems best for you. We made the tool as easy as possible and all so you can download your flight reservation within a short time. 

Unlike, other competitors that make it troublesome and time-consuming, BAH! WE REALLY CHANGE THE WHOLE MARKET.

When you travel on a one-way ticket to another country today, you might up rejected at the airport. Because the annoying requirements of present PROOF OF ONWARD TRAVEL so are careful when you that and hold your fingers crossed and pray for God to help. 

When you get your fake flight reservation with us, we cannot guarantee your success on one-way ticket travels around the world. This might not be a perfect tool for nomads who want to chill without a tight schedule for their trip.

PNR number check up is rarely happens. This why many people use TicketFaker and similar tool today because it’s never checked.

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